Bagpiping Practice Sheets
- Baby Shark.pdf (112.83 Kb)
- Nursery Rhymes.pdf (536.21 Kb)
- Scale with Note Values.pdf (296.02 Kb)
- Time Values.pdf (15.2 Kb)
- NEW! Getting Ready for Doublings.pdf (276.62 Kb)
- NEW! Hand Exercises - Practice Writing the Scale.pdf (15.2 Kb)
- Getting Ready for Tachums.pdf (290.86 Kb)
- 6 over 8 Runs.pdf (140.41 Kb)
- Doubling Movements.pdf (208.25 Kb)
- NEW! Bottom Hand Exercises.pdf (111.39 Kb)
- Round Table (Chanter).pdf (770.39 Kb)
- Stretching the Fingers.pdf (129.03 Kb)
- SSPDA Holiday Practice.pdf (792.7 Kb)
- The Piper's Helper Copy 1 .pdf (8.69 Mb)
- The Piper's Helper Copy 2.pdf (8.83 Mb)
Bagpiping Audio Clips
Bagpiping Videos
Every School Needs a Pipe Band
Getting Started with Your Chanter
Chanter Technique
Let’s get this Piping Started
Attacks and Cut Offs
All About Tone
Eliminate Crossing Noises
Trust your Pipe Major’s Fingers
“The Goose” – Preparing your Instrument
Practice on your “Goose” Bagpipe
Bagpipe Tone Control
Highland Laddie on practice chanter
Chanter Exercise
Green Hills of Tyrol (First Part)
D Throws
Brown Haired Maiden
Drumming Videos
Stick Grip
Single Strokes
Double Strokes
Triple Strokes
Music Theory for Pipe Band Drummers. Part 1.
“Time Signature” in Pipe Band Drumming
The Benefits of “Two-Pad Practice”.
Single Paradiddles
5 minute Drum Rolls
Massed Bands 4/4 (Snare and Bass)
Massed Bands 3/4 (Snare and Bass)
Massed Bands 2/4 (Snare and Bass)
Shotts and Dykehead Live in Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
Dress & Deportment
Click HERE for ZOOM link